TETRA outdoor system


MultiTech Outdoor base station BS422

DAMM’s outdoor TETRA system – TetraFlex is a cost-effective, flexible and user-friendly Tetra infrastructure system. With its high reliability and unique design, it is the ideal solution for mission-critical communications.
Fully flexible network
The TetraFlex® system is scalable and can handle anything from single-site solutions with small coverage areas to large-scale multi-site solutions, incorporating any indoor or outdoor TetraFlex® station. Together with the intelligent TetraFlex software, simple and smooth expansion of the station is possible, even during operation. The 100% IP-based technology enables the entire network infrastructure to be operational with all network devices connected in a single modern infrastructure without the need for a central switch.
Easy to install – anywhere
The simplicity of Plug and Play allows for easy setup and fast deployment. With an IP65 rating, the Damm TetraFlex outdoor base station is ideal for installation in harsh environments. The compact design allows direct mounting on antenna masts, buildings and towers, significantly reducing installation costs and feeder losses, while providing an ideal solution for rapid deployment in moving vehicles.
Security and reliability
Full battery backup support as well as redundant controllers, power supplies and carriers, TetraFlex meets your highest reliability requirements. The intelligent distributed architecture replicates information to all stations in the network, avoiding single points of failure.
Unlimited application integration
DAMM TetraFlex is supplied with application gateways for easy access to application programming interfaces (APIs), packet data gateways and voice gateways, allowing direct development of customer-designed applications or integration with existing telephone systems and control room equipment. As an independent TETRA infrastructure provider, the base stations of this outdoor TETRA system are IOP certified and are fully compatible with all TETRA terminals, providing the freedom to choose terminal brands according to needs.
A wide range of advanced software tools
The DAMM TetraFlex system is available with a wide range of application software such as a data and voice logging system, a Dispatcher, a Group Bridge and a comprehensive Network Management tool including subscriber management and network performance statistics.
The DAMM TetraFlex outdoor system consists of a base station (BS421) together with a Service Box (SB421) containing the base station controller and power supply. The system is pre-installed with the DAMM TetraFlex software suite.
Default Settings
Maximum number of organizations: 1000
Maximum number of attributes: 10000
Maximum number of subscribers: 150000
Maximum number of Nodes: 999
Maximum voice GW connections: 32
Maximum application GW connections: 20
Maximum application GW flows: 100
Maximum application GW flows (clients): 32
Maximum number of Log Servers: 10
BS421 base station
Frequency range: 300 – 870 MHz
Transmitter and receiver
Transmit power at antenna connector: 0.5 W to 10 W TETRA, remotely adjustable.
Receiver sensitivity with diversity, static: -121dBm
Receiver sensitivity without diversity, static: -118dBm
Receiver sensitivity with diversity, dynamic: -118dBm
Receiver sensitivity without diversity, dynamic: -112dBm
Receiver diversity: Dual as standard.
Integrated duplexer: Combines TX and RX into 1 antenna.
Redundancy: Hot spare.
Synchronization: Internal or external by GPS.
Antenna connection
Antenna installation: One antenna per carrier, minimum 02 antennas for diversity.
GPS antenna: One GPS antenna per carrier. Active (+5VDC) or passive.
SB421 service box
Base station controller:
Maximum distance from SB421 to BS421: 100 m.
One SB421 controls 4 BS421 stations, two BS421 power boxes.
Redundancy: Hot standby
DAMM’s outdoor TETRA system best meets the needs of users in all applications.
Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Ms Phương 091.437.5396