ENVI Opticalscape

ENVI Opticalscape generates Digital Surface Models (DSMs) and orthorectified images from spaceborne and UAV data while giving users the industry leading tools for imagery preparation and data fusion.

  • UAV Module: Opticalscape UAV processes multiple stereo images to create orthorectified mosaic images while correcting for sensor orientation. The DSM generation is based on the most advanced algorithms and automated ortho image mosaicking. To facilitate the image orientation, images must include a coarse platform position, however, attitude data are not mandatory.
  • Spaceborne Module: Opticalscape Spaceborne processes optical stereo and tri-stereo images acquired from satellites for the generation of DSMs and ortho images. The DSM generation is based on the most advanced algorithms and takes into account new sensor characteristics.
  • Fusion of Opticalscape and SARscape Products: High-resolution spaceborne or UAV DSMs can be ingested into SARscape Interferometric Stacking module to derive precise land displacement maps. Opticalscape and SARscape fuse DEM data generated from SAR and optical sensors. This data fusion is unique to ENVI Opticalscape and greatly improves the accuracy of the DEM product. Futhermore, the fusion considers the sensor characteristics rather than simply averaging the different heights (top).
Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Ms Phương 091.437.5396