ENVI SARscape® allows you to easily process and analyze SAR data acquired from all existing spaceborne and selected airborne platforms. Generate products, and integrate information with other geospatial products.


  • Multilooking
  • Coregistration
  • Despeckling
  • Geocoding and radiometric calibration
  • Mosaicking
  • Feature extraction
  • Segmentation
  • Classification

1 . ENVI SARscape Basic

The ENVI SARscape Basic Module includes processing functionality for generating airborne and spaceborne SAR products based on intensity and coherence. This is complemented by a multi-purpose tool, which includes a wide range of functions – from image visualisation, to DEMs import and interpolation, to cartographic and geodetic transforms.

– ACCESSORY MODULES: The Basic Module provides automated pre-processing tools that allow you to quickly and easily prepare your imagery for analysis and visualization. With the Basic Module, the following processing capabilities are supported:

  • FOCUSING MODULE:  The Focusing Module generates complex images (SLC) based on a ‘ω – Ҡ’ frequency domain algorithm. Support for:   – RS-1/2 SAR
    – JERS-1 SAR
    – ALOS PALSAR-1 data
  • GAMMA AND GAUSSIAN FILTER MODULE: The Gamma and Gaussian Filter Module includes a variety of SAR-specific filters, extending the range of filters of the Basic Module. Algorithms for this module are based on gamma and gaussiandistributed scene models. They are particularly efficient in reducing speckle noise while preserving radar reflectivity, textural properties, and spatial resolution, especially in strongly textured SAR images.


This module enables the generation of DEMs (InSAR technique) and surface deformation maps (DInSAR technique). State-of-the-art methodology, applied to data acquired from SAR sensors, generate accurate (up to a vertical resolution of few meters) and detailed surface and terrain height products. The DInSAR technique can detect centimeter-scale displacements over time spans of days to years. The interferometry module is applicable in geophysical monitoring of natural hazards like earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides. It is also useful in structural engineering, particularly for the monitoring of subsidence and structural stability.

The ENVI SARscape Interferometry Module allows you to process Interferometric SAR (2-pass interferometry, InSAR), and Differential Interferometric SAR (2/3/4-pass interferometry, DInSAR) data.


The Interferometric Stacking Module integrates point-based (PS-like) and area-based (SBAS-like) techniques for the processing of interferometric stacks. This combined approach enables users to obtain accurate results on both point and distributed targets.

  • Persistent Scatterers (PS)                                                                                                                                                Enables users to detect very small displacements (mm scale) and to infer the deformation velocity – and its          variation over the time – in particular for very stable (man-made) reflectors that might have independent          displacements in respect to the surrounding areas.
  • Small Baseline Subset (SBAS)                                                                                                                                                   A complementary method that exploits Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar interferometry (DIfSAR) techniques to analyze stacks of SAR acquisitions to extract small deformations over large areas, when no point targets are identified but large, correlated displacements occur over natural targets

By combining these two approaches, it is possible to analyze deformation phenomena that affects both extended and localized structures related to natural or man-induced phenomena.

(from: https://www.harrisgeospatial.com/Software-Technology/ENVI-SARscape#basic)

Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Ms Phương 091.437.5396