VHF Power Amplifier

The L3Harris RF-7800V-V50X Power Amplifier provides highperformance VHF power amplification for the L3Harris Falcon III RF-7800V-HH VHF Handheld Radio in vehicular and base station radio systems. This flexible solution enhances radio and link reliability with advanced features for uninterrupted communications.

An integrated handheld battery charger supports simultaneous radio operation and battery charging. The RF-7800V-V50X’s “hot jerk-and-run” feature allows users to remove the radio from the amplifier without turning it off, ensuring uninterrupted communication. Heat sinking also provides an extendeduse duty cycle. The VHF power amplifier includes a VIC-3 interface for legacy intercom support and is fully interoperable with the L3Harris RF-7800I Tactical Networking Intercom System. Equipped with multiple ports, the RF-7800V-V50X can simultaneously run multiple industry-standard interfaces. This solution supports a software-only process for product upgrades. The RF-7800V-V50X extends the networkcentric capability and user-optimized features of the RF-7800V-HH, delivering a powerful tactical information tool for today’s warfighter.

This VHF power amplifier covers the 30 to 108 MHz frequency, supplying up to a full 50 watts of forward power under demanding Voltage Standing Wave Ratio conditions. It also delivers excellent collocation performance in both fixed frequency and frequency hopping modes.





> Extended range and link reliability for advanced narrowband waveforms

> Capable of running multiple interfaces simultaneously, with direct connection to peripheral devices > Built-in, high-performing collocation features

> Future-proof architecture via software upgrades


General specifications

Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Ms Phương 091.437.5396