Multiband Networking Manpack Radio (MNBR)

The L3Harris Falcon III® RF-7800M-MP provides secure voice and high-speed wideband and narrowband data on-the-move. With reliable ground-to-air communications and interoperability with fielded airborne platforms, the MNBR also leverages the L3Harris Mid-Tier TDMA Networking Waveform (M-TNW) for high-speed networked data at unprecedented rates.

Automatic ISR Tactical Radio Technology with Anti-Jamming Feature

Designed with a Software Communications Architecture (SCA) operating environment, the RF-7800M-MP is legacy interoperable and future-proof with built-in software update features. The embedded Quicklook ECCM protects narrowband communications jamming from hostile forces. Plus, its GPS receiver enables real-time Situational Awareness—for increased troop safety as well as targeting accuracy.

Key Benefits

  • Enables high-speed networked data and video via M-TNW
  • Covers 30 to 2000 MHz frequency range
  • Acropolis™ II Type 3 Encryption
  • SCA v2.2.2 compatible



The L3Harris RF-7800M-MP employs next-generation ANW2®C and/or the M-TNW wideband waveform to seamlessly link dismounted soldiers with upper echelons through a self-forming, self-healing mobile ad-hoc network.

Leveraging wideband and narrowband interoperability, the radio covers the 30 MHz to 2 GHz range with 20 watts of transmit power, and is capable of fixed-site, vehicular and man-portable battery operation.

TALON CUID and HAVEQUICK waveforms are also available for reliable ground-to-air communications and interoperability with fielded airborne platforms. This battle-proven manpack stores and operates on multiple mission fill files so soldiers can switch waveforms or networks on the move. An embedded 12-channel GPS receiver enhances Situational Awareness with automatic friendly-force Position Location Information and provides hopping waveform Time-of-Day synchronization.



The L3Harris Wideband Networking Manpack Radio is software defined, ensuring rapid upgrades to future waveforms and capabilities. Quicklook ECCM ensures communications in high-noise environments.


Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Ms Phương 091.437.5396