Multiband Networking Handheld

The RF-7850M-HH leverages the TDMA Networking Waveform family for true simultaneous voice and data services over wideband, narrowband and ECCM channels. This waveform family is also available in the Falcon III VHF, airborne and soldier radios supporting seamless communications across the battlefield. The large multilingual display and built-in

WebUI applications deliver maximum mission flexibility. Now, capabilities such as text and file transfer can be accessed directly from the radio, further reducing soldier payload. The optional WebUI provides additional applications including Friendly Force Tracking, video streaming, remote control and others for use at all levels of the battlefield.

The RF-7850M-HH is ideal for traditional Combat Net Radio missions, ground-to-air and Company and Below voice and data communications. When used with the optional 50 W Power Amplifier, the RF-7850M-HH plays a key role at the mid-tier level of any tactical network.


Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Ms Phương 091.437.5396