SOTM antenna

SOTM: For Quick, Continuous Communications
For many applications, Satcom On-The-Move (SOTM) is the only choice to establish reliable, continuous, quickly deployable broadband connectivity. The SOTM antenna is a reliable, low-profile, two-way antenna system that enables real-time broadband satellite communications for video, voice and data transfer. Especially suited for trains and large vehicles, the antenna  has been successfully deployed worldwide, providing high-performance broadband connectivity.

Integrated Terminal Option
The SOTM antenna can be offered as part of a complete, integrated SOTM terminal with a unified management system. The terminal includes seamless mechanical integration of a Gilat/Wavestream Block Up Converter (BUC) and a satellite modem. The integration with  special-purpose SOTM modem allows for operation in low SNR conditions.
When integrated with 3rd-party modems, the antenna is supplied with an Antenna Control Unit (ACU).

Technical Specifications:


Antenna Size L x W x H* 51.7 x 55.1 x 11.7 in / 131.2 x 139.9 x 29.8 cm

Antenna Weight 130 lb (59 kg)

Frequency Band ** Rx: 10.95-12.75 GHz
Tx: 13.75-14.5 GHz
Polarization Linear

Tx Gain (typical) 36 dBi
G/T (typical) 13 dB/K @ 12.2-12.75 GHz
11.8 dB/K @ 10.95-12.2 GHz
Uplink EIRP 55 dBW (80W BUC)

Cross Pol (typical) 25 dB

IF Input (Tx) 950-1700 MHz IF Output (Rx) 950-2150 MHz Power Consumption *** 150 W
Antenna Performance

Elevation Angle 0°-90° (automatic tracking up to 80°)

Azimuth Tracking Rate 150°/s

Electrical Interfaces

Tx Input WR75

Rx Output TNC-Female


Temperature Range : -40ºF to +131ºF (-40ºC to +55ºC)

Relative Humidity:  Up to 95%

BUC Options:  16W, 25W, 40W, 100W


Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Ms Phương 091.437.5396