Low-noise block downconverter LNB Dual-band

  • Introduction

The Ku-band LNB is ideally designed for mobile and handheld applications. Norsat LNBs provide reception for satellite communications worldwide. We deliver performance and reliability in the smallest possible form factor

  • Specifications
RF output 10,7 – 12,75 GHz
IF input 950 – 1950 MHz
Interface output Type N or Type F (field interchangeable)
Kết nối đầu tiên WR-75
VSWR ratio max 2.3:1
Receive Type 60 dB, min 55 dB, max 65 dB.
Phase noise

Noise figure

External factor dependent

Type 0.8 dB, max 0.9 dB. at room temperature. @ CF

. Operating
. Storage

-40 o C to +65 o C
-40 o C to +80 o C


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Email của bạn sẽ không được hiển thị công khai. Các trường bắt buộc được đánh dấu *

Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Mr Tuấn 0913.280.505
Ms Phương 091.437.5396